Here are your bonus pics!

Hey, look at that, you made it to my super-secret bonus pics page!

These are from March 2008, when my then-bf, now-hubby and I celebrated my first job offer.

Even though it meant we'd be long-distance between Philadelphia, PA (me), and Boulder, CO (him). But hey, at least we both managed to stay in the US.

And get jobs in early 2008, just as the Great Recession was beginning.

And we got our happy ending too. 😊

Anyway, we celebrated by going to Pinball Pete's, an arcade in downtown Ann Arbor that exists to this day! As of Dec 2023, anyway.

And also by spraying each other with silly string on the way back. 😂

Here's me (at the oh-so-mature age of 22) playing Skeeball at Pinball Pete's, my favorite arcade game.

A twenty-two-year-old author Betsy Flak playing skeeball at Pinball Pete's

Here I am playing air hockey, my hubby's favorite arcade game. I believe I'd just beaten him for the first time, somewhere around our fifth game or so. And he may have taken it easy on me. 😂

A twenty-two-year-old author Betsy Flak playing air hockey at Pinball Pete's, her hubby's favorite game

Here I am, with All. The. Tickets. (back when physical tickets were a thing, lol) at my second-favorite arcade game.

A twenty-two-year-old author Betsy Flak, with all her arcade tickets from Pinball Pete's

And last but not least, here I am, ready to attack my then-bf, now-hubby with silly string.

A twenty-two-year-old author Betsy Flak, ready to attack her then-bf, now-hubby with silly string

Hope you liked the pics!

(And excuse any weird shadows. I don't have a photo digitalizer, so I just had to take photos with my phone and it was tricky with the lighting. And I'm not a professional photographer by any way, shape, or means, so I didn't know how to fix it. 🤷‍♀️)