The Official Eversfield Academy Character List
One of Duncan’s lieutenants; used to be an extremely strong Fire Diviner that killed vampires left and right until her flames consumed her and her entire Cell; now it’s unclear what she is, but she still has her magic
Adela Matei
Retired Cypher living in the Juniper Troupe; Gabe and Marina’s mom
Alex Wong
Freshman Warrior in the Eversfield Cell; Eli’s roommate in Pasteur
Angelo Alfonsi
Civilian; one of Marina’s friends, along with Mickey, Yuki, and Kylie; Mickey’s roommate in Douglass; member of Engaging Eversfield, Eversfield’s newspaper; junior at Eversfield
Benji Griffin
Wind Diviner in the Eversfield Cell; freshman at Eversfield; Bianca’s little brother
Bianca Griffin
Warrior in the Detroit Cell; leads small groups for patrols; Benji’s older sister
Bobby Vasile
Fire Diviner and Healer who works in HQ; Sylvi’s older brother by ten years; used to date Sam Howard
Vampire; one of Duncan’s best fighters; sent to Eversfield along with Kane, Fang, Toulouse, and Ramrod
Cat Calderon
Civilian; Lizzard but not part of the Order of the Swan; Blackwell’s secretary last year; senior at Eversfield
Cheri Malik
Civilian; popular and part of the Order of the Swan, which includes Sara, Val, Drey, and Rudi, among others; Heidi’s little sister; lives in Mistral; on Eversfield’s dance team; senior at Eversfield
Chris Patel
Detroit Cell Second
Clara Wilmer
Lead Augur and Lex’s mom
Cosmina Harris
Senior Warrior in the Eversfield Cell; Emilia’s roommate in Tubman
Darius Hernandez
Senior Warrior in the Eversfield Cell; one of Gabe’s closest friends and his roommate in Pasteur
David Matei
Retired Healer living in the Juniper Troupe; Gabe and Marina’s dad
Diana Ruglere
Spirit Diviner in the Eversfield Cell; the daughter of Detachers; dated Ed until he died; senior at Eversfield
Donny Walker
Civilian; on the Eversfield varsity basketball team; lives in Douglass; sophomore at Eversfield
Drey (Audrey) Diaz
Civilian; popular and part of the Order of the Swan, which includes Sara, Val, Rudi, and Cheri, among others; Lizzard; Sara’s roommate in Blackwell; on Eversfield’s dance team; junior at Eversfield
Vampire; leader of a vampire army set to destroy the vampire hunters of the Nightstalkers
Ed Dixit
Was a Water Diviner in the Eversfield Cell a year behind Gabe; dated Diana; died to the Indestructible during his and Gabe’s junior year
Eli Burton
Civilian; lives in Pasteur; sophomore at Eversfield
Elsie (Elspeth) Adams
Civilian; lives in Blackwell; junior at Eversfield; does Val’s laundry in exchange for favors
Emilia Rivers
Senior Warrior and the Eversfield Cell Second; one of Gabe’s closest friends; Cosmina’s roommate in Tubman
Evie Jones
Civilian; Tubman’s president last year; senior at Eversfield
Vampire; one of Duncan’s lieutenants; usually leads groups of vampires to attack Cells; sent to Eversfield along with Kane, Toulouse, Brock, and Ramrod
Fattie Koorey
Civilian; Lizzard but not part of the Order of the Swan; Eversfield dance team member; junior at Eversfield
Finn Henry
Civilian; dates Sylvi Vasile
Flo Jankowski
Daughter-in-law of Millie, the owner of The Blue Barn, a shop in downtown Juniper
Four Eyes
Vampire; one of Duncan’s lieutenants; in charge of the logistics (money, shelter, fake IDs, etc.)
Gabe Matei
Senior Warrior and the Eversfield Cell First; Marina’s older brother; closest friends are Emilia and Darius; Darius’s roommate in Pasteur
Vampire; one of Duncan’s lieutenants; primarily trains newly turned vampire soldiers with Lefty
Hayden Carter
Civilian; popular and a Cygnet in the Order of the Swan; Lizzard; lives in Blackwell; sophomore at Eversfield
Headmaster Flynn
Civilian; Headmaster of Eversfield Academy
Heidi Malik
Civilian; popular and was the leader of the Order of the Swan last year; Cheri’s older sister; was Blackwell’s president last year; graduated from Eversfield Academy last year; now a freshman at Brown University; casually dated Gabe when he was a sophomore and she was a junior
Vampire; one of Duncan’s lieutenants although she prefers to work only with fellow vampire lieutenant Viper
Izzi Bahn
Civilian; plays the drums; Lindi’s roommate in Blackwell; junior at Eversfield
Jayden Fields
Civilian; lives in Pasteur; senior at Eversfield
Jen Crawford
Civilian; Eversfield dance team captain; lives in Mistral; senior at Eversfield
Juana Martinez
Civilian; Eversfield dance team member; lives in Tubman; senior at Eversfield
Kamila Jackson
Civilian; a Blackwell hall leader; senior at Eversfield
Vampire and exceptionally strong Spirit Diviner with skill in all five spirit affinities; one of Duncan’s lieutenants; sent to Eversfield along with Fang, Toulouse, Brock, and Ramrod
Kylie Edwards
Civilian; one of Marina’s friends, along with Angelo, Yuki, and Mickey; Yuki’s roommate in Tubman; on the Eversfield varsity golf team; junior at Eversfield
Vampire; one of Duncan’s lieutenants; primarily trains newly turned vampire soldiers with Gnash
Lex Wilmer
Strong Fire Diviner in the Eversfield Cell; Marina’s best friend; Teddi’s roommate in Tubman; sophomore at Eversfield
Lila (Delilah) Lee
Civilian; Marina’s roommate in Blackwell; Val’s best friend; junior at Eversfield
Lindi Baard
Civilian; plays guitar; Izzi’s roommate in Blackwell; junior at Eversfield
Lori Lee
Civilian; Lila’s mom
Marcela Wittermarck
Leader of the Juniper Troupe
Margaret Laufner
Civilian; Val’s math tutor; lives in Tubman; Mickey’s little sister; sophomore at Eversfield
Marina Matei
Strong Water Diviner in the Eversfield Cell; also a Healer and a Weaver; secret powers with Wind and Earth (Floral and Mineral affinities only); Lila’s roommate in Blackwell; Lex’s best friend; Gabe’s little sister; part of Engaging Eversfield, Eversfield’s newspaper; junior at Eversfield
Marius Klein
Freshman Warrior in the Eversfield Cell; lives in Douglass
Meg Anderson
Civilian; Lizzard but not part of the Order of the Swan; Eversfield dance team member; senior at Eversfield
Mickey Laufner
Civilian; one of Marina’s friends, along with Angelo, Yuki, and Kylie; Angelo’s roommate in Douglass; Margaret’s older brother; on the Eversfield varsity basketball team; member of Eversfield’s math competition team; junior at Eversfield
Millie (Mildred) Jankowski
Owner of The Blue Barn, a shop in downtown Juniper
Misti Moore
Civilian; Lizzard but not part of the Order of the Swan; member of Future Fashion Designers; lives in Blackwell; junior at Eversfield
Mr. Clarkson
Retired Diviner and Eversfield history teacher
Mr. Okafor
Civilian; Eversfield’s school nurse
Ms. Barbaro
Civilian; Chemistry teacher at Eversfield
Ms. Pershing
Retired Warrior; Headmaster Flynn’s and Eversfield’s primary administrative assistant
Ms. Petoskanov
Civilian; Math teacher at Eversfield
Ms. Taylor
Civilian; Choir teacher at Eversfield
Ms. van Straten
Civilian; Blackwell’s house manager
Ms. Vasile
Retired Diviner and Harriet Tubman’s house manager; also substitute teaches for Eversfield; has a weak Floral affinity, a very weak Mineral affinity, and weak Portency
Rachel Sanchez
Detroit Cell First
Vampire; one of Duncan’s best fighters; sent to Eversfield along with Kane, Fang, Toulouse, and Brock
Rudi Fisher
Civilian; popular and part of the Order of the Swan, which includes Sara, Val, Drey, and Cheri, among others; lives in Tubman; senior at Eversfield; Val calls her The Red Swan due to her dyed fire-engine-red hair
Russell Lee
Civilian; Lila’s dad
Sam Cohen
Civilian; a Blackwell hall leader; senior at Eversfield
Sam Howard
Dead civilian; used to date Bobby Vasile
Sandy Sala
Freshman Warrior in the Eversfield Cell; Victoria’s roommate in Blackwell
Sara Howland
Civilian; popular and the leader of the Order of the Swan, which includes Val, Drey, Rudi, and Cheri, among others; Lizzard; Drey’s roommate in Blackwell; on Eversfield’s dance team; senior at Eversfield
Simon O’Connor
Senior Warrior in the Eversfield Cell; also marked as having “leadership potential” by the Augurs like Gabe and Emilia but has no official leadership role in the Eversfield Cell; lives in Pasteur
Sofia Kim
Civilian; Lizzard but not part of the Order of the Swan; Blackwell’s treasurer last year; senior at Eversfield
Stefan Price
Warrior in the Detroit Cell
Sylvi (Sylvia) Vasile
Was a Warrior in the Eversfield Cell two years ahead of Gabe; like a big sister to Gabe; dates Finn Henry
Tasha (Natasha) Masuda
Civilian; Lizzard and Marina’s sophomore year roommate; was part of the Order of the Swan until she was expelled a week before Lila’s junior year started; Lila took her vacated spot at Eversfield
Teddi (Theodora) Brown
Freshman Warrior in the Eversfield Cell; Lex’s roommate in Tubman
Tim Cox
Civilian; one of Val’s boy toys; on the Eversfield varsity basketball team; Zeke’s roommate in Douglass; senior at Eversfield
Tony Russo
Warrior in the Detroit Cell
Vampire; one of Duncan’s best fighters; sent to Eversfield along with Kane, Fang, Ramrod, and Brock
Val (Valerie) Baker
Civilian; Lila’s best friend; popular and part of The Order of the Swan, which includes Sara, Drey, Rudi, and Cheri, among others; on Eversfield’s dance team; junior at Eversfield
Victoria Serrano
Freshman Warrior in the Eversfield Cell; Sandy’s roommate in Blackwell
Vampire; one of Duncan’s lieutenants although she prefers to work only with fellow vampire lieutenant Helle
Yuki Mori
Civilian; one of Marina’s friends, along with Angelo, Mickey, and Kylie; Kylie’s roommate in Tubman; on the Eversfield varsity volleyball team; member of Engaging Eversfield, Eversfield’s newspaper, and of Eversfield’s yearbook; junior at Eversfield
Zeke Spencer
Civilian; one of Sara’s boy toys; on the Eversfield varsity basketball team; Tim’s roommate in Douglass; senior at Eversfield

Betsy Flak
The Eversfield Academy Vampire Hunters Relaunch Collection [PREORDER]
![The Eversfield Academy Vampire Hunters Relaunch Collection [PREORDER]](